MKVToolNix GUI: implemented several built-in actions that can be executed either on special events or once via the "watch jobs" tool.The actions are the same ones that can be configured to be run automatically after job or queue completion. MKVToolNix GUI: watch jobs: the user can now have the GUI execute an action once as soon as the current job or the whole queue finishes.mkvmerge: MP4 reader: merged pull request #1804 adding support for parsing the "COLR" atom and including its values as track headers.mkvmerge: FLAC reader: added support for handling embedded pictures as attachments.Here’s the NEWS since the previous release: New features and enhancements The Linux binaries will be available later today. The Windows and macOS binaries have been built already and are available for download. You can download the source code or one of the binaries. There have been several changes the package maintainers should be aware of, see the section “build system changes” below.

The implementation is very flexible and not limited to those two actions, though. Noteworthy is the implementation of features that have been requested several in the past: playing a sound or shutting down the computer after the current job’s been completed. This release includes a couple of smaller enhancements to the GUI as well. I therefore recommend everyone to update. Among the fixed bugs are some that will silently produce invalid files.

There have been several important bug fixes to the HEVC/h.265 and AVC/h.264 parsers.